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At Home In Faith


The Guinea Pigs of God

These terrifying creatures are a failed craft. You were warned in the 'About' section that we are not a pinteresty family and here is the...

On the way

This coming Sunday the Gospel story is about the encounter the disciples have with the risen Jesus on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24.13-35)....

Let us pray.

After the Easter Sunday service I suddenly realised that I missed the physicality of worship: the sitting, the standing, putting my hands...

Egg Tree

Easter Tree What the onion skin dyed eggs look like - it was fiddly but fun. Probably more exciting with white eggs as the contrast will...

Holy Week Crafts for All Ages

I have a wisp of a memory from when I was at pre-school in Holland: we marched around the village with Palm Trees like this one. Although...

Agapé / Love Feast

A RESOURCE OFFERED BY OUR BISHOPS FOR USE AT HOME You may like to use the bread we baked in Bread Church at Home in this way. Agapé An...

LentEasterResurrectionGrace Garden

Although it has many names, it comes to the same thing: a portable garden that contains and empty tomb and speaks of spring and new life...

Easter Saturday Resurrection Biscuits

You will need: 1 cup whole pecans or freeze dried raspberries if preferred 1 tsp vinegar 3 egg whites 1 pinch salt 170 g /6 oz caster...

Bread Church at Home

Be gentle When you touch bread Let it not lie Uncared for, unwanted So often Bread is taken for granted There is such beauty in bread:...

Prayer Box

Do you remember I said to save the Christmas cards with photos? What? You forgot? Quick! Run to the recycling and fish them all out...

Epiphany Chalk Blessing

That's our front door with its chalk blessing for 2020. This is an old Epiphany tradition. The C, M and B represent the traditional (not...

Nativity Stories

This guest post comes from Erika Baker. Erika was brought up in the Protestant Church in Germany and for the last 23 years has been...

It's not too late to celebrate... Advent

The second Sunday of Advent has come and gone, the second candle on the Church’s wreath has been lit, and the chocolates in the...

Advent came

Before you think I'm the worst curate in the Church of England, the one who didn't notice that Advent had started, I did notice. And I...

Spirituality in the midst of activity

It's been a while since the last post because life. Life was full - so full it sometimes felt like we were going to get overwhelmed. Or...

Sukkot & Remembrance

Last night a small group from our church went to the liberal synagogue for a conversation with the Rabbi on the theme of remembrance in...


The Examen is a form of prayer developed by St Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits. It is a way of reviewing the day with God...

The Cosmic Perspective

The Season of Creation has drawn to a close but our need to care for the Earth is ongoing. As the T-shirt says, there is no Planet B....

Favourite Grace Experiment

It's been really hectic around here with Narnia rehearsals and people eating at odd times. Leaving a big piece of paper out with coloured...

Thoughts on Zoos

Before school started back daughter and I went to the Parc Merveilleux. There are animals from 5 continents kept for the most part in...

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